Cuppa Chai has been perfected over generations,
and shared with a revived passion
Hi, and welcome to Cuppa Chai! I’m Prem and I’ve been making chai (or ‘chaa’ as it’s called in Punjabi), since my mother taught me at the enthusiastic age of 10. After quickly perfecting the family recipe, I gained somewhat of a reputation for my tasty brew!
Fast forward many years to University, where I’d often make batches of chai for my friends, over which we’d hang out and catch up. Friends who would soon become my biggest supporters.
This eventually grew to me showing others how to make this traditional chai for themselves. I would often give out handmade packs of spices, for them to brew at home.
Fuelled by the glowing responses from the chai fans around me, it eventually gave birth to the idea of Cuppa Chai! Allowing me to sharing my authentic spiced chai mix worldwide.

A cut above the rest
What makes Cuppa Chai stand out from the crowd, is that our tea and spice mix are perfectly combined into a single bag. One golden ratio.
You will often see other chais with one bag for tea, and another for the spice mix. In our experience, as delicious as they are, this is often more time consuming and cumbersome to store and brew. Consider Cuppa Chai your one stop shop!